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Origin Of Hawkin's Support Group

Believe it or not, HSPG actually wasn't supposed to be as huge as it is now. In fact, it didn't start off as one whole support group, it started off as an LGBT+ Alliance on the MiceForce Forums. [Links will be listed below] As well as many other helpful & informative support/advice threads for all members to join in on such as: body weight, relationship advice, cat chat, positive influence, & more leading up to the creation of HSPG. You may be wondering why I didn't just create a support group in the first place with all of these additions. Well, I just didn't have my thinking cap on the day everything went down. I was totally not expecting the numerous positive reactions that I had gotten & before I knew it I was on Discord with HSPG's now Co-Admin, Koutarou, discussing our desire to help people which led to me inviting her to my newly created server. I owe a huge thanks to Kouta for helping me understand how servers work & helping me manage HSPG in its earliest days.

HSPG Thought Process/Events

Before I created HSPG I didn't use Discord at all & wasn't very fond of it. I was a Skype junkie since 2013, so you can understand the position I was in at the time. So, after I got in contact with Koutarou we exchanged Discord usernames & they linked me to a Discord server that they thought I'd like. This server was called Mind Cafe & is what really inspired me to make HSPG. They have support channels there & its a fairly active group of people helping people. In no way did I copy Mind Cafe, for my server is (in my opinion) a bit more extended than theirs. We have different categories & sub-categories for everyone to choose from & other fun activities to participate in on the side. So with that being said let's move back to creation, process, etc. I started looking up your ever so basic YouTube tutorials & found myself spiraling down a never ending rabbit hole of confusion until I spoke about it with Koutarou & asked for help. I instantly trusted them & I haven't regretted it a day since. Koutarou's position went from Mod to Co-Admin within a few days because yes, they are that good. We continued posting threads & adding more & more channels & got a few members, some were Kouta's friends & some were mine & yes, we did post a thread that had all of my other threads connected which makes up HSPG. Although our Discord server as of 11/19/17 is still a small community we are so proud of what we've accomplished & have learned about one another.

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